Thursday, March 4, 2010

What Cake Recipe Does Cake Boss Use

Lisbon C006
Audio clip: Lisbon

1 Background
1962, Alain Barrière released his second 45 rpm EP with 4 new songs. Of these, Lisbon, song built from the text by Robert Desnos and Alain Barrière has set to music.

2 Lyrics
This text appears in the middle of free verse in a poem taken from Siramour written in 1931 and published the same year in Commerce. This poem was published in the collection Fortunes published by Gallimard in 1942.

Original text

Sow, sow the seed
For gardens that I had.
I am talking about the siren and ideal living
the mistress of the foam and harvesting of the night
Where the constellations as deep wells
grind all their pulleys and buckets full reverse on the ground and sleep
thunder daisies and periwinkle.
We will go to Lisbon, soul and heavy heart gay

Picking belladonna gardens I had.
I am talking about the siren and ideal living
No figurehead but the figure of flesh and living
The insatiable
that no one forgives you, soul and heavy heart
Mermaid Lisbon Lioness
red alert,
I am talking about the siren ideal alive. Once a siren

lived in Lisbon.
Sow, sow the seed
For gardens that I had.

Lisbon That is pretty.
smoke fumes
Under the soft breeze
Takes shapes of flowers.

We will go to Lisbon
heavy soul and heart gay,
you that no one forgives
Lioness red alert.

Sow, sow the seed,
I know the song that sings the siren

At the foot of the house.

We will go to Lisbon
heavy soul and heart gay,
Picking belladonna
For gardens that I had. It is midnight

very dark night

Pour all the flowers, pour a drink
are the same color

I know the siren
I know his song
see her dress and dragged
charm fish

But the seed that germinates
know no flowers
Each day has its
Each term love her pain

The poem then continues in another form about fifteen pages.
There are two versions of lyrics sung by Alain Barrière Lisbon. In the second, Alain Barriere added a verse additional central which is not part of the poem Desnos ( I had made a small boat ...) and I have not found the source. This text may be the hand of Alain Barrier itself?

3 Music
A music very catchy and very cheerful, an irresistible march that lingers on your head like a saw. Leaving aside They beat me as style rock n'roll, this is the first fast music by Alain Barrière, in a style that foreshadows Al Cantara I will ...

four themes
themes Alain Barrière not clear in this text Desnos. Of course, there is the sea with its fish and mermaid ...

5 Analysis
A priori this beautiful poem (like many others!) Does not mean much ...

Now, let's look more closely. He must already know that in the work of Desnos, the siren figure his partner Yuri. Itself is represented by the hippocampus.

Belladonna (Atropa belladonna ) is a wild plant of the Solanaceae family (like tomatoes or climbing nightshade), whose fruits contain active substances and toxic. These alkaloids, including atropine cause dilated pupils, unconscious manifestation of the excitation sexual women, and seen by men. In Italy during the Renaissance, the elegant (bella donna means beautiful woman in Italian) put themselves in the eyes of the juice of belladonna to appear more attractive.

Now why Lisbon? Certainly it is a port (required for the sirens) and located in a southern region (which pushes the belladonna), but there are many others that meet these criteria. Is Yuri (aka Badoud Lucia, born in Belgium) Lisbon lived in the past? Or if only for a rhyme with rich belladonna ...

It therefore appears that in an appearance trivial or silly, the text hides a very suggestive if not erotic content: I know the song - sung by the siren - the feet of his house contained the seductress who expects a man outside her home.
see her dress behind - And charm fish: the hippocampus, which is represented by symbol Desnos is a fish ... charmed by the siren ... Picking
belladonna to do what, if not instilled into the eyes of her beautiful for it to appear even more irresistible?

Siramour is a contraction of Mermaid and love. This text

Robert Desnos was also set to music by Serge Renard and interpreted by Dove Frezin Robert Desnos in the CD published by EPM in March 2003 in the collection poets and songs led by Marc Robine and Francis DACL.:
You can preview of this interpretation on the above site.

It is also a third version by Michel Arbatz in the disk you greetings from Robert Desnos (1995), with an MP3 sample.

6 Sources
http://groupugo.div / groupugo / ...Parent.htm

Thanks to France L'Heureux for information on Robert Desnos and Lisbon.

Barriérophile heterodox and iconoclastic


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