People going
C007 People going
Audio clip: People going
1 Background
1962, Alain Barrière released his second 45 rpm EP with 4 new songs. Among these, People going , a beautiful sad ballad that has not (yet) caught the attention of the general public.
2 Lyrics
A total of 10 stanzas of 3 or 4 to each. Cutting verses / chorus does not appear here, but there are two types of verses, each associated with a slow or fast music. For my part, I see the slow verses associated with three stanzas of verse and the verses associated with rapid stanzas of 4 lines. More specifically cutting:
stanzas 1 and 2: a slow verse
stanzas 3 and 4: fast 2
verse stanzas 5 and 6: slow 3
verse stanzas 7 and 8: 4
quick verse stanzas 9 and 10: verse 5
The rhythm of the verse of slow verses is based on segments of phases of 4 feet each, each line consisting of 2 times 4 times 4 feet or 3 feet for the last.
The fast rhythmic couplets is more irregular, based on verses from 10 feet and about 6 feet.
3 Music
An introduction very interesting: a little sour music to the limit of right and wrong, and indeed rather beside the false that's just before the hearts and violins do the relay after a glissando of the harp. This intro seems constructed as a dialogue between a flute and an accordion or bandoneon, but rather makes me think of those artists who frequently make music with Klakson which was adapted a rubber ...
A barrel organ music that stallholders to operate the crank on fairs and markets of Paris.
Two rhythms of music: a slow pace (romance) for the verses slow a pace faster and stronger music for the verses quickly.
four themes
Paris and the Seine: A Celebration Paris.
seasons: spring and the seasons run
Poet: Cookie is my song
The passage of time: the life that slips between your fingers
The senselessness of life, which shines through this poem
5 Analysis
The second part of the twentieth century has seen many romances bloom spent in Paris and his love. To name a few: The romance of Paris (Trenet), Sous le ciel de Paris (Piaf, Greco, Jacqueline Francis ...) Under the bridges of Paris, the romance of Paris (Lemarque), Paris (Lemarque) ... All these songs glamorise Paris and her lover who will love ... A romantic vision of Paris life, by failing to mention the misery ... When rating
favorite poet wrote: watching the Seine flow along the quays , he certainly echoes the poem by Apollinaire set to music by Léo Ferré: Under the Mirabeau bridge flows the Seine .
So, in turn, Alain Barrier will write his romance in Paris. It's a bit of a must for any creator of French songs. But will he write a song wise and classic? As we begin to know, of course not. In fact it is more subtle: the music is a classic romance, words are very conventional in appearance. At first listen, all slides perfectly until the last shocking to the listener a little distracted: Our Paris is tired tonight. What does that say? Why is it Paris tired tonight? Then we must re-listen to this song with a little more attention, and accurately read the lyrics.
is discussed people coming, people going , passers. But these loops are not walkers or tourists, they are locals, natives who do not watch Paris, which no longer watching the Seine flow, they do not have the time: subway, work, dodo, or Paris metro Butte like Alain Barrière later wrote in I regret that time ... Our Parisians are stressed, tired, and chasing their shadows to survive in a hostile megalopolis. Paris is not the Paris of poets and bohemian. Time is more to poetry or song.
In the verses slowly, our author observes the Parisians as a biologist observes the behavior of mice in a cage: they do not have time to stop, they are pressed, they take even more time to love . What can be the meaning of life? So why can they live? In the first
Quick verse, the poet addresses a hypothetical friend, one of those passers passes without stopping. He asks her to pause, to look: Look there that your life is slipping away . But this way does not care, he preferred to live without thinking too much, without asking any question, he denied awareness of the poet who offers him. These loops are too tired to love, too tired to love. They are only shadows, zombies and that's why Paris, the capital of love is too tired.
In the second verse fast, the poet observes with bitterness the irresistible mechanical time elapsing as flows the Seine, turn the wheel of time and seasons enchainent mechanically. The leak unhurried and monotonous time (Night and Fog , Jean Ferrat). And the poet is left alone to contemplate this perfectly oiled mechanical causes passers-by, the Seine, the seasons, everything world cares as . Leaving only the poet conscious but totally impotent Under the Mirabeau bridge flows the Seine, The days go I remain (Apollinaire).
6 Sources, p10466
Jacques -Deric
Barriérophile heterodox and iconoclastic
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