C000 Aging of songs and music
Census chronological songs Alain Barrière
Version 1.2 Version 1.3 of
20,071,222 20,071,222 (comments of MarieAlex)
Version 1.4 of Version 1.5 of
20,090,307 20,090,314 (comments of Gabriele)
To date 242 songs and tunes played by Alain Barrière
This integral will be corrected as and when you make comments.
code comments.
A Sung in English
of Title in Dutch (Dutch)
E English songs in English Title
e f
French versions of the title
G Sung in German (German) German Title
I Sung in Italian
p Title in Portuguese
X Instrumental version
C001 C002 1961 1961 Cathy
If we were on land / e (Si hubiese in tierra) C003 1961
They beat me / e (Me han agitado) 1961 My old C004
C005 1962 Lisbon / f (We'll go to Lisbon)
C006 1962 The people who will
C007 1962 A girl was crying
C008 1962 Just passing
C009 1962 C010 1962 Whales
You come back to me
C011 1962 The ballad of love / f (Ballad of Love) e (La balada de los amores)
C012 1962 I will return to Al Cantara / e (of Volvere Alcantara) d (Ik kom terug iut Al Cantara)
C013 1962 My cherry / e (Mi cerezo)
C014 C015 1962 I lost
1962 The round around the world / e (La ronda del mondo alrededores)
My 1962 C016 joy fell on the grass / e (Mi alegria Yace in the grass) 1962 C017
Lament of the king and queen / e (queja del rey y la reina)
C018 1962 p'tites I have blue flowers / e (Tengo pequeñas flores blue) 1963 C019
if Elle était jolie / G (Du fort ohne Gingst Anschied) I (Era troppo carina) and (It's so beautiful, it was so pretty, She was beautiful, Elle was so cute, it was pretty demasciado) d (Ze WAS als moor body l)
C020 1963 Le temps d'une valse / e (waltz time) Plus je
t'entends C021 1963 / I (E ti amo piu) e (Your voice, I hear you I see you, I love you, But I hear) d (Hoe meer ik hoor je stem)
C022 1963 The route / e (The Way) 1963 C023
Adio Karamou / e (Adios Karamou)
T'aurais du comprendre C024 1963 / e (Nubiera because understand, we'd have understood)
C025 1963 The Marie Joconde / f (Marie Joconde) G (Marie Cherie) I (Maria la bionda) e (La Gioconda Maria, Maria querida)
C026 1963 J'aurais voulu / e (yo hubiera querido, querido Hubiera) d (I would have loved )
C027 1963 Je ne sais only trop pourquoi / e (yo no se porque, No se muy bien porque) d (I current week with good reasons)
C028 1963 Long Temps / e (Hare mucho) d (very long)
C029 1964 Ma vie / I (Vivro) A (While I live) e (Mi vida) d (My heart) g (Frag'nie) p (O principio eo fin)
C030 1964 Adieu la belle / I (A presto, amore) e (a la belle Adios, Adios mi linda) d (Farewell to my village, "the vallea)
C031 Un été 1964 / e (A summer) d (Zomertyd)
Attends 1964 C032 / E (wait) 1964 C033
Mais je vous dis / I (Un uomo più) e (But I told him, I said, a man more)
C034 1964 Les sabots / e (Clogs)
C035 1964 L'aveugle du pont au change / e (The Bridge blind change)
Domino C037 C036 1964 1964 Les feuilles mortes
C038 1965 Tant / e (So) d ( Zoveel)
we amours C039 1965 A / e (our love)
C040 1965 La maison vide / e (the empty house) d (Het lege huis) 1965 C041
Chanson / e (Song) 1965 C042
Chanson de Pia / X (Pas de Panique N ° 1, Pas of panique No. 2; Générique) e (Song of Pia) 1965 C043
Ave Maria
C044 C045 1966 1966 Les Je regrette ce temps
C046 1966 Les matins bleus / e (blue Mornings)
C047 1966 Mon pauvre amour / e (My poor love) d (arm Mijn lief)
C048 1966 (I) Vorrei / e (I)
C049 1966 (R) Quattro ragioni per non Amarti / e (Why can not I love you, four for non EASONS love; four per non loving plea) 1966 C050
Toi / I (Tu) e (Tu) 1966 C051
sorry / I (Due uomini veri) 1966 C052
c'est la fête If / f (La fête à mes chansons) C053
1966 The fair hearts / e (El fracaso de los coragnes)
C054 1966 C055 1966
to love yourself on your face
Song 1966 C056 C057 1966
too monotonous Lolita
C058 1966 C059 1966
You see these few words / e (Estas palabras cuantas)
C060 C061 1966 The wildly
1966 I forget / e (Yo no se mas)
C062 1967 C063 1967 Ca Va
people enjoy life
C064 1967 Children / e (Infancia)
C065 1967 Little fairy / E (Eres a hada)
C066 1967 If I dream of you / I (Maria) E (Cuando sueño contigo)
C067 1967 What happens is in my head? / I (Cosi me pasa per la testa) A (Now That love has gone) 1967 C068
Do you hear?
C069 1967 When the old tree is dead
C070 1967 Set Me Free / I (Dov'eri tu) E (Llevame tu) e (Y volvere)
C071 1967 If your heart is torn
C072 1967 C073 1967 For You
C074 1967 V. ..
C075 C076 1967 1967
Say When I took her lips
1968 C077 All can start
C078 1968 C079 1968 Princess distant
Everything goes already
C080 1968 A man hanged himself / E (Un hombre is colgo)
C081 1968 C082 1968
Poor Francis was the first days of April / I (Ai primi giorni di aprile)
C083 1968 Petit Ave Ray
C084 C085 1969 Viva Ouagadougou
Since September 1969 C086 1969 This
you have left in your life
C087 1969 The Way of the Cross
Angela C088 1969 / I (Angela)
1969 C089 and my road is lonely / I (Megloi soli)
C090 1969 Mary layer down there
C091 C092 1969 1969
Yeah Santa Claus and I
C093 1969 The eyes of Elsa
C094 1969 (I) Meglio soli See Obsolete And my way is lonely
C095 1970 C096 1970 I was waiting
C097 1970 A look at the sea / I (Mare) E (Siempre Mirando al mar) 1970 C098
On our history / I (Una bella storia banal)
C099 1970 Nothing but a man / f (I'm a man) I (a solo uomo) E (a solo hombre)
C100 C101 1970 1970
Borneo Sea
C102 1970 My Heart / I (Nel cuore) A (Why do not you go)
C103 1970 The little legend
1970 C104 Airplane, concrete truck I could go on and best
C105 C106 1971 The Trip 1971
If you do not believe it myself
C107 C108 1971 1971
She's future without you
C109 1971 C110 1971 Go Rennes
C111 1971 As a old piece of wood
C112 1971 Our world someday
C113 1971 A little blood Breton
C114 C115 1971 1971 Antinéa
Small Soldiers
C116 C117 1971 1971 Cucugnan
And if it was love
C118 1971 The dreams of Child
C119 1971 C120 That's life
Our 1971 Paris street
C121 1972 C122 1972
Dad Say If I
C123 1972 A Loved nights
C124 1972 C125 That is a long
1972 For the last Once
C126 1972 The shadow of a kiss
C127 1972 My Island Saba
C128 1972 C129 1972 Seaweed
Olympus 37 X
C130 1972 Britain, Britain
C131 1973 C132 1973
beautiful love And you will recover your life
C133 1973 C134 1973 Top Maggore
my door
Seduction 1973 C135 C136 1973 Sun 13
C137 1973 Listen, c ' Tango is a 1973 C138
must dance, Marie
C139 1973 Thou me loose
C140 1973 Jeanne and her dreams
C141 1973 From right to left
C142 1973 Do not leave already
C143 1973 If you remember "My Life"
1973 Dream and Reality C144 C145 1973
You go (e Tu Te Vas)
C146 1973 A poet / G (Du gehst strong)
unlikely love my C147 1974 C148 1974
C149 X 1974 X Baccandella (1 and 2) C150 1974
X Small music Kali
C151 1974 A small beach
C152 1974 My love will
C153 1974 (A) Yesterday
C154 1974 If you remember
C155 1974 (A) Nobody but you
C156 1976 X Cosmos 77
X C157 1976 C158 1976 Gwenola
Who say
C159 1976 X Apertura per domani
C160 1976 What I fear
C161 1976 X Dancing Dolly
C162 1976 The earth turns without us / X (The earth turns without us)
matter C163 1977 C164 1977 A
C165 Spring 1977 and you close your eyes
X C166 1977 C167 1977
Boop If ke mama lou
C168 C169 4977 I dance
1977 (A) Bye bye my love
C170 1978 Another life
C171 1978 Paris disco
C172 C173 1978 1978 Amoco
My country
C174 1978 (A) I want to be me
C175 1978 C176 1979 Fall
She will sing
C177 1979 The day rises
C178 1979 X Apertura per oggi
C179 1979 C180 1979 Winter Serenade
C181 1979 Letter to President
C182 1979 The beginning and end
C183 1979 I love you anyway
C184 1980 C185 1980 Me Go
C186 1980 A song / X (Celtine No. 5) 1980
C187 X C188
80 Apertura 1980 In midday
C189 C190 1980 1980
Hey Oh be a kid again
C191 1981 The lovers of space
C192 1981 X Spacina
C193 1981 he would have told me
1981 C194 Inca Love
C195 1983 The sea is there
C196 1983 The passage of time So farewell
C197 1983 / f (Farewell)
C198 1983 C199 1983
she said X Light Blue C200 1983
life Sing with me
C201 1981 X Ballade syntherock
C202 Tinga
1981 1982 NEW RECORDS
C029 1964 C019 1963 My life
She was so pretty
1963 C021 C070 More I hear
1967 Set Me As
C038 1965 / e (Tanto)
Other titles LP AB -24F-C and D are old records?
C203 1986 X Celtine No. 7
C204 1986 and then after
C205 1986 On my way
C206 1986 A long overdue life
C207 1986 X Champlain Bridge Between 1986 C208
Quebec and Montreal
C209 1986 and I love life
C210 1986 how do you go?
C211 198X X Star for a Night (Code Development)
C212 C213 1989 1989 Loving
X The solemn
C214 1998 X Farah
C215 1998 The most beautiful song
C216 1998 We go together C217 1998 X
Celtine No. 11 C218 1998
He who does not know
C219 1998 Galilee, the terra!
C220 1998 The lament of the bird
C221 1998 C222 1998
Love me Happy Birthday forgive me
C223 1998 C224 2006
If / f (you'll be a man)
C225 2006 When the sea receded
C226 2006 Ode to Britain
C227 2007 The Big Chill 2007 C228
Hymn to Love
C229 2007 The mama
2007 C230 C231 2007
The crowd when we only have love
C232 2007 The haphazard
C233 2007 My lover Saint-Jean
C234 2007 Tell me about love
2007 C235 C236 Plaisir d'amour
2007 Women and roses
C237 The 2007 cherry season
C238 2007 C239 2007
Rutebeuf Poor Mountain
C240 2007 Do not leave me
C241 2007 (A) My love
C242 1975 Now you can leave (video)
Version 1.2 Version 1.3 of
20,071,222 20,071,222 (comments of MarieAlex)
Version 1.4 of Version 1.5 of
20,090,307 20,090,314 (comments of Gabriele)
To date 242 songs and tunes played by Alain Barrière
This integral will be corrected as and when you make comments.
code comments.
A Sung in English
of Title in Dutch (Dutch)
E English songs in English Title
e f
French versions of the title
G Sung in German (German) German Title
I Sung in Italian
p Title in Portuguese
X Instrumental version
C001 C002 1961 1961 Cathy
If we were on land / e (Si hubiese in tierra) C003 1961
They beat me / e (Me han agitado) 1961 My old C004
C005 1962 Lisbon / f (We'll go to Lisbon)
C006 1962 The people who will
C007 1962 A girl was crying
C008 1962 Just passing
C009 1962 C010 1962 Whales
You come back to me
C011 1962 The ballad of love / f (Ballad of Love) e (La balada de los amores)
C012 1962 I will return to Al Cantara / e (of Volvere Alcantara) d (Ik kom terug iut Al Cantara)
C013 1962 My cherry / e (Mi cerezo)
C014 C015 1962 I lost
1962 The round around the world / e (La ronda del mondo alrededores)
My 1962 C016 joy fell on the grass / e (Mi alegria Yace in the grass) 1962 C017
Lament of the king and queen / e (queja del rey y la reina)
C018 1962 p'tites I have blue flowers / e (Tengo pequeñas flores blue) 1963 C019
if Elle était jolie / G (Du fort ohne Gingst Anschied) I (Era troppo carina) and (It's so beautiful, it was so pretty, She was beautiful, Elle was so cute, it was pretty demasciado) d (Ze WAS als moor body l)
C020 1963 Le temps d'une valse / e (waltz time) Plus je
t'entends C021 1963 / I (E ti amo piu) e (Your voice, I hear you I see you, I love you, But I hear) d (Hoe meer ik hoor je stem)
C022 1963 The route / e (The Way) 1963 C023
Adio Karamou / e (Adios Karamou)
T'aurais du comprendre C024 1963 / e (Nubiera because understand, we'd have understood)
C025 1963 The Marie Joconde / f (Marie Joconde) G (Marie Cherie) I (Maria la bionda) e (La Gioconda Maria, Maria querida)
C026 1963 J'aurais voulu / e (yo hubiera querido, querido Hubiera) d (I would have loved )
C027 1963 Je ne sais only trop pourquoi / e (yo no se porque, No se muy bien porque) d (I current week with good reasons)
C028 1963 Long Temps / e (Hare mucho) d (very long)
C029 1964 Ma vie / I (Vivro) A (While I live) e (Mi vida) d (My heart) g (Frag'nie) p (O principio eo fin)
C030 1964 Adieu la belle / I (A presto, amore) e (a la belle Adios, Adios mi linda) d (Farewell to my village, "the vallea)
C031 Un été 1964 / e (A summer) d (Zomertyd)
Attends 1964 C032 / E (wait) 1964 C033
Mais je vous dis / I (Un uomo più) e (But I told him, I said, a man more)
C034 1964 Les sabots / e (Clogs)
C035 1964 L'aveugle du pont au change / e (The Bridge blind change)
Domino C037 C036 1964 1964 Les feuilles mortes
C038 1965 Tant / e (So) d ( Zoveel)
we amours C039 1965 A / e (our love)
C040 1965 La maison vide / e (the empty house) d (Het lege huis) 1965 C041
Chanson / e (Song) 1965 C042
Chanson de Pia / X (Pas de Panique N ° 1, Pas of panique No. 2; Générique) e (Song of Pia) 1965 C043
Ave Maria
C044 C045 1966 1966 Les Je regrette ce temps
C046 1966 Les matins bleus / e (blue Mornings)
C047 1966 Mon pauvre amour / e (My poor love) d (arm Mijn lief)
C048 1966 (I) Vorrei / e (I)
C049 1966 (R) Quattro ragioni per non Amarti / e (Why can not I love you, four for non EASONS love; four per non loving plea) 1966 C050
Toi / I (Tu) e (Tu) 1966 C051
sorry / I (Due uomini veri) 1966 C052
c'est la fête If / f (La fête à mes chansons) C053
1966 The fair hearts / e (El fracaso de los coragnes)
C054 1966 C055 1966
to love yourself on your face
Song 1966 C056 C057 1966
too monotonous Lolita
C058 1966 C059 1966
You see these few words / e (Estas palabras cuantas)
C060 C061 1966 The wildly
1966 I forget / e (Yo no se mas)
C062 1967 C063 1967 Ca Va
people enjoy life
C064 1967 Children / e (Infancia)
C065 1967 Little fairy / E (Eres a hada)
C066 1967 If I dream of you / I (Maria) E (Cuando sueño contigo)
C067 1967 What happens is in my head? / I (Cosi me pasa per la testa) A (Now That love has gone) 1967 C068
Do you hear?
C069 1967 When the old tree is dead
C070 1967 Set Me Free / I (Dov'eri tu) E (Llevame tu) e (Y volvere)
C071 1967 If your heart is torn
C072 1967 C073 1967 For You
C074 1967 V. ..
C075 C076 1967 1967
Say When I took her lips
1968 C077 All can start
C078 1968 C079 1968 Princess distant
Everything goes already
C080 1968 A man hanged himself / E (Un hombre is colgo)
C081 1968 C082 1968
Poor Francis was the first days of April / I (Ai primi giorni di aprile)
C083 1968 Petit Ave Ray
C084 C085 1969 Viva Ouagadougou
Since September 1969 C086 1969 This
you have left in your life
C087 1969 The Way of the Cross
Angela C088 1969 / I (Angela)
1969 C089 and my road is lonely / I (Megloi soli)
C090 1969 Mary layer down there
C091 C092 1969 1969
Yeah Santa Claus and I
C093 1969 The eyes of Elsa
C094 1969 (I) Meglio soli See Obsolete And my way is lonely
C095 1970 C096 1970 I was waiting
C097 1970 A look at the sea / I (Mare) E (Siempre Mirando al mar) 1970 C098
On our history / I (Una bella storia banal)
C099 1970 Nothing but a man / f (I'm a man) I (a solo uomo) E (a solo hombre)
C100 C101 1970 1970
Borneo Sea
C102 1970 My Heart / I (Nel cuore) A (Why do not you go)
C103 1970 The little legend
1970 C104 Airplane, concrete truck I could go on and best
C105 C106 1971 The Trip 1971
If you do not believe it myself
C107 C108 1971 1971
She's future without you
C109 1971 C110 1971 Go Rennes
C111 1971 As a old piece of wood
C112 1971 Our world someday
C113 1971 A little blood Breton
C114 C115 1971 1971 Antinéa
Small Soldiers
C116 C117 1971 1971 Cucugnan
And if it was love
C118 1971 The dreams of Child
C119 1971 C120 That's life
Our 1971 Paris street
C121 1972 C122 1972
Dad Say If I
C123 1972 A Loved nights
C124 1972 C125 That is a long
1972 For the last Once
C126 1972 The shadow of a kiss
C127 1972 My Island Saba
C128 1972 C129 1972 Seaweed
Olympus 37 X
C130 1972 Britain, Britain
C131 1973 C132 1973
beautiful love And you will recover your life
C133 1973 C134 1973 Top Maggore
my door
Seduction 1973 C135 C136 1973 Sun 13
C137 1973 Listen, c ' Tango is a 1973 C138
must dance, Marie
C139 1973 Thou me loose
C140 1973 Jeanne and her dreams
C141 1973 From right to left
C142 1973 Do not leave already
C143 1973 If you remember "My Life"
1973 Dream and Reality C144 C145 1973
You go (e Tu Te Vas)
C146 1973 A poet / G (Du gehst strong)
unlikely love my C147 1974 C148 1974
C149 X 1974 X Baccandella (1 and 2) C150 1974
X Small music Kali
C151 1974 A small beach
C152 1974 My love will
C153 1974 (A) Yesterday
C154 1974 If you remember
C155 1974 (A) Nobody but you
C156 1976 X Cosmos 77
X C157 1976 C158 1976 Gwenola
Who say
C159 1976 X Apertura per domani
C160 1976 What I fear
C161 1976 X Dancing Dolly
C162 1976 The earth turns without us / X (The earth turns without us)
matter C163 1977 C164 1977 A
C165 Spring 1977 and you close your eyes
X C166 1977 C167 1977
Boop If ke mama lou
C168 C169 4977 I dance
1977 (A) Bye bye my love
C170 1978 Another life
C171 1978 Paris disco
C172 C173 1978 1978 Amoco
My country
C174 1978 (A) I want to be me
C175 1978 C176 1979 Fall
She will sing
C177 1979 The day rises
C178 1979 X Apertura per oggi
C179 1979 C180 1979 Winter Serenade
C181 1979 Letter to President
C182 1979 The beginning and end
C183 1979 I love you anyway
C184 1980 C185 1980 Me Go
C186 1980 A song / X (Celtine No. 5) 1980
C187 X C188
80 Apertura 1980 In midday
C189 C190 1980 1980
Hey Oh be a kid again
C191 1981 The lovers of space
C192 1981 X Spacina
C193 1981 he would have told me
1981 C194 Inca Love
C195 1983 The sea is there
C196 1983 The passage of time So farewell
C197 1983 / f (Farewell)
C198 1983 C199 1983
she said X Light Blue C200 1983
life Sing with me
C201 1981 X Ballade syntherock
C202 Tinga
1981 1982 NEW RECORDS
C029 1964 C019 1963 My life
She was so pretty
1963 C021 C070 More I hear
1967 Set Me As
C038 1965 / e (Tanto)
Other titles LP AB -24F-C and D are old records?
C203 1986 X Celtine No. 7
C204 1986 and then after
C205 1986 On my way
C206 1986 A long overdue life
C207 1986 X Champlain Bridge Between 1986 C208
Quebec and Montreal
C209 1986 and I love life
C210 1986 how do you go?
C211 198X X Star for a Night (Code Development)
C212 C213 1989 1989 Loving
X The solemn
C214 1998 X Farah
C215 1998 The most beautiful song
C216 1998 We go together C217 1998 X
Celtine No. 11 C218 1998
He who does not know
C219 1998 Galilee, the terra!
C220 1998 The lament of the bird
C221 1998 C222 1998
Love me Happy Birthday forgive me
C223 1998 C224 2006
If / f (you'll be a man)
C225 2006 When the sea receded
C226 2006 Ode to Britain
C227 2007 The Big Chill 2007 C228
Hymn to Love
C229 2007 The mama
2007 C230 C231 2007
The crowd when we only have love
C232 2007 The haphazard
C233 2007 My lover Saint-Jean
C234 2007 Tell me about love
2007 C235 C236 Plaisir d'amour
2007 Women and roses
C237 The 2007 cherry season
C238 2007 C239 2007
Rutebeuf Poor Mountain
C240 2007 Do not leave me
C241 2007 (A) My love
C242 1975 Now you can leave (video)
Barriérophile heterodox and iconoclastic
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