Sunday, January 9, 2011

Ikusa Otome Valkyrie 3 Streaming

first resolution?


No penny to subscribe to a gym, I opt for common sense, practical and free: walking! ... Less taxing than jogging, will clear out holiday pounds, and I will tone! Inch Allah!

I'm starting tomorrow with 45 minutes to go to taf, and if it does, rebelotte night.
Tell me "Damn!"

Item: She / Slimming


is our most natural. And, good news It allows us to muscles, to keep fit and even slim. Explanations.

It sculpts the silhouette
If, for a year, walk at a brisk pace 45 minutes four times a week, you can lose up to 8 pounds. Without changing their diet. This is explained Nina Barough in his book, "Walking for fitness" (see box). The condition? Travel 1.6 km in 15 17 minutes. Moteau Philip, a doctor at the medical commission of the French federation of hiking, states: "According to the latest study of the federation, only 1.6% of obese walkers ... against 11.3% of the population. "For when we walk regularly - and at a minimum speed of 4 km / h -, we get better utilization of his insulin. And it burns calories.
It adapts to every rhythm
Car There are four types of walking, in addition to the athletes practicing and competing.
Walk: the speed is slower than average. It travels 1km in 20 minutes.
The way average speed: that we adopt in our daily lives. We swallow 1 km in 12 minutes.
Walking sports: more technical, it requires real work of the arms, with elbows bent at 90 degrees. The result? 1 km in less than 8 minutes.

Brisk walking: that mastery by practicing regularly. It then advances to more than 8 km / h. Attention to go faster, no need to lengthen his steps. Just to increase the number per minute.
It works the whole body
And it improves muscle flexibility. While strengthening and toning the muscles of our face later: calves, glutes, upper back and shoulders. Without asking too violently joints, thus limiting the risk of injury. It is a "gentle discipline", which develops endurance.
We train independently
It starts with one or a friend who shares our goals. As a coach, it offers a pedometer: it records the number of our steps, then multiply by the length of each step. Thus, we know the exact distance we have traveled. A tip? If you are already trained, we choose to major arteries. That way, we avoid weave between pedestrians and, once launched, it will not stop. If you're new, we opt for pedestrian areas, and littered with animated windows. And most importantly, it sets a goal, like reaching the apartment, a friend who is waiting for us tea. This winter, for the exercise to be truly effective, it carries a bottle of water and wear a hat. Because 60% of our body heat escapes through the head.
is also a beauty tip
Because walking away is our tensions, our stress and anxiety. Detoxifies our body, our sleep improves our complexion and purified.
Claire Byache


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