Monday, January 3, 2011

Does A Fever Cause Rosy Cheeks

The CFTC wishes you a HAPPY 2011

CFTC showing you and your family all best wishes for the year 2011.

Greeting health for you and your loved ones wishes for safety of employees in your lives and jobs for your children, vows of solidarity in a world where individualism has clearly taken over.

Our union voice will continue to be heard through negotiations in which we participate.

January 11, 2011 NAO: The Management Board has forwarded the text before signing. A final meeting scheduled for January 11 will announce the intentions of signatures.

 An AI framework budget of 3.5% (excluding contract BURST)

 If progress toward a contract BURST export additional budget of 1% distributed to staff as part of an "increase individual generalized" framework

 Minimum revalued by 2%, non

A budget framework 3% (excluding contract BURST), distributed as follows: 1.5% 


 1.5% AG (paid 2/1/2011)

 If realization of BURST contract, additional budget of 1% FA

 Heel AG to 31.50 €

 13th month € 2020 mini

 Guaranteed Minimum Income € 1,830 (base + length + pro rata 13th month minimum)

 Minimum non-executive revalued by 1.5%,

January 13, CEC : The CFTC and will not speak a an appearance in this meeting chaired by our CEO.

January 18, GPEC (Management Planning for Employment and Skills): a subject "dear" but the CFTC has been very late in the calendar of meetings.

March 1, Disability Disability Framework / non-executive with as an idea Most of that lead to an equivalent security for both populations of employees.

That voice will speak again through trailing commissions agreements for the employment of disabled staff, monitoring of the agreement on the company savings plan, APR.

Good luck to all for that recovery


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