Occupational pensions:
bargaining concerning supplementary pensions began November 25, 2010 with the key to an agreement to extend the arrangement until June 30, 2011 (financing of supplementary pensions before age 65).
The main objective is to ensure the financial stability of AGIRC and ARRCO.
For the first CFTC priority was to renew AFFMB (Association for the fund management and financing of AGIRC ARRCO) that funds the supplementary pension, which would expire December 31, 2010.
Two sessions were scheduled, on December 21 and February 24, 2011.
(AFP) Several thorny issues on the table: the consideration of the reform of basic pensions, changes in pension levels and contribution rates or benefits in family plans and Agirc arrco.
Be careful to express your investment choices.
The Act of November 9, 2010 including expanding opportunities for power savings plan for retirement (PERCO)
The money in the special reserve which the recipient does not require immediate payment are necessarily assigned to an employee savings plan (PEE, PEI or Perco)
From 1 January 2013, this rule will apply to all agreements, including agreements prior to 1 January 2007 (Labour., art. L. 3323-2, L. No. 2010-1330, Art. 110).
By default (that is to say when the person does not request immediate payment or allocation to a company savings plan), half the share of the reserve Special contribution calculated using the statutory formula must be assigned to Perco, the other half is allocated under participation agreements (Labour., art. L. 3324-12).
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