Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Cement Basketball Court Companies

NAO 2011: the latest proposals Branch

The Directorate reported on wage policy in 2011 that would be applied in case of signature:

 AI framework, budget 3.5% (excluding contract BURST)

 If progress toward a contract BURST export additional budget of 1% distributed to staff as part of an "increase individual generalized"

 Minimum frame revalued by 2%

CFTC Comment:

The budget of 3.5% is the minimum needed to help implement a wage policy individualized. If signed a contract BURST, it would be completed a little more for managerial staff. Without wanting to speak with GA This is the first time in several years that the company agrees to change its wage policy for this category of staff!

A budget not part of 3% (excluding contract BURST), distributed as follows:

 1.5% AI,

 1.5 FA% (paid 1/2/2011)

 If progress toward a contract BURST, additional budget of 1% FA

 Heel AG to 31.50 €

 13th month € 2020 mini

 Guaranteed Minimum Income € 1,830 (base + length + pro rata 13th month minimum)

 Minimum non-executive revalued by 1.5%,

CFTC Comment:

The budget of 1.5% in AI is still far too low to reward merit personnel. In addition, this budget will be cut from the premium associated with seniority (0.5%): there again few are chosen on merit!

If the total budget of AG would represent 2.5% (BURST case of a contract), there remain 0.6% below the 2010 inflation / 2011.

 Premium Salon 200 €

Added to this is:

 increased participation of the Directorate of the mutual non executives to continue to disengage the EC,

 changing the final tranche of PERCO 55 to 57 years to take account the lengthening of working life

 project for upgrading travel expenses which the Department must work during the first quarter of 2011.

RTT  Collective:

- June 3, 2011 (Ascension),

- June 13, 2011 (Whit Monday),

- from 26 to 30 December 2011,

- May 7, 2012 (Bridge May 8),

- May 18, 2012 (Ascension),

- May 28, 2012 (Whit Monday).

Note: the information note on the availability of passing four days package framework (RJR) will be released in January.

A final meeting is scheduled for January 11, 2011 to collect the positions of trade unions.

In the meantime the teams you want to CFTC you all a very happy holiday season.


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