Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Soundboard Pranks Legal

10 good reasons to vote Nicolas Sarkozy Nicolas Sarkozy is not

one month before the first round, your mobilization is essential, here are 10 reasons to vote and to vote for Nicolas Sarkozy. ( source: )

  1. Provide the opportunity to work more to earn more, because it is useless to have more free time when we can no longer buckle his income.
  2. Doing more for those who have less, they live in a rural area landlocked, in a deprived or in an employment area devastated without the clearance effort on his part.
  3. able to send his children no inheritance tax on property accumulated throughout a lifetime of work.
  4. Increase the budget for higher education by 50% in five years and the research effort of 40% because it is essential that France takes its place on the international scene in this area.
  5. Develop a new public service employment to better support the job search: the creation of insurance "wages and return to work" accompanied by a reform of vocational training. In addition, income support should always be accompanied by an activity of interest so that everyone gives a little consideration for what he received.
  6. Establish a genuine right to housing (after five to ten years), the right to housing, the right to educate their disabled child, the right solution to care for each child under three years and the right to support the addiction must be enforceable before the courts to are respected.
  7. Establish internships and educational success of the classes of 15 students in disadvantaged neighborhoods, and invest in the development and diversification of childcare for children at night, especially in developing studies of supervised voluntary basis to end the "orphan of 16 hours."
  8. Ease school mapping to ensure the freedom of school choice.
  9. Coping with environmental emergencies, and for that taxing pollution rather than work by switching to a part of ecological tax burdens on labor.
  10. Introduce minimum sentences: some persistent offenders should be arriving in court that they have a penalty incompressible. To repeat a minor between 16 and 18 years, the excuse of minority should be deleted automatically: it must be sentenced as if he were an adult.


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