One idea would be received by Nicolas Sarkozy a new Jean-Marie Le Pen. The rumor is persistent, but still far unfounded. See this topic to the article: "Immigration and National Identity." Here I have selected some excerpts of the speech of Nicolas Sarkozy at the Zenith to again demonstrate that the project remains far a heightened xenophobia.
- "I want to give every young French pride of being French. This pride, I wish we were offering to share all those who want to become French, instead of welcoming them in a France so few believe in its values than it would be even bother to defend them. President of the Republic I gather all the French and that will honor all who have made the greatness of France, without worry about the color of their skin, their political affiliation, their social origins . "
- "I dream that one day all children whose families are French for generations, all children of repatriates and harkis, all children of immigrants, all grandchildren of Italians, Poles and English Republicans, all children Catholic, Protestant, Jewish or Muslim can sit down together at the table of brotherhood . "
- "I dream that you live in a France where nobody is judged on the color of his skin or his religion or the address of his neighborhood, but on the nature of his character . "
- "I dream of a France where difference is seen more as a threat but as a wealth."
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