- The centrist candidate's economic program would result in the elimination of 60,000 jobs. Indeed, the reduction of payroll tax relief would result in the destruction of 200 to 250 000 jobs, significantly more than the jobs created by other measures of the UDF candidate, particularly the absence of charges for two new jobs.
- The findings on the program of the Socialist candidate are even more severe. The minimum wage in 1500 would destroy EUR 50 000 jobs, the removal of the CNE and 30,000 medium-term effect would be negative springboard jobs. In total, 150,000 jobs would be destroyed and GDP growth would be reduced by 0.9 percentage points.
- The positive effect of program Nicolas Sarkozy is demonstrated by calculations of the Institute. GDP growth will exceed its current level in a range between 1 and 1.3 percentage points of GDP and 160 to 200 000 jobs will be created.
These results underscore the consistency and relevance of the proposals of the UMP. Nicolas Sarkozy is the only one to provide the right answers to the problems of the French economy, the stagnation of the purchasing power of the French, the persistence of high unemployment and deteriorating public finances.
This consistency is also emulated. Olivier Blanchard, one of the most renowned French economists in the world, Professor at MIT, recently announced that Nicolas Sarkozy "has better identified the problems of France, and has a clearer idea of solutions and strategies to follow. It seems to me more likely to improve the lives of young people, reduce unemployment to initiate genuine reform of the university. " There can be no appeal.
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