Sunday, February 20, 2011

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René Lévesque crucified. About the crucifix in the National Assembly and the prayer meeting in town halls Quebec

Philosophy has often resorted to science fiction, specifically what are called "thought experiments" and that, to better understand and assess a situation or a complex issue. No doubt the Allegory of the Cave of Plato is one of the most famous thought experiments to better understand our situation vis-à-vis the knowledge of the truth. Plato proposed that other thought experiment with the Ring of Gyges, which makes it invisible: it is then possible to test his own morality in the guise of invisibility. There are over thirty years the American philosopher John Rawls had his glory in his famous original situation under the veil of ignorance where we'd agreed on the social contract underlying the most just society.

Are there so a bit of science fiction to better be able to try the famous crucifix overlooking the National Assembly, which caused so much ink today.

Suppose we are in 2050 in Quebec. A referendum was held a year earlier in favor of supporters of Yes. To honor the fathers of the new nation, the National Assembly of Quebec decided to place the photograph of Rene Levesque to the wall where the throne now famous crucifix. The same official opposition agrees. However, the photograph of the anti-smoking bothers Levesque as illustrated sovereignty is very close to his face, his eternal cigarette. They agree that the photograohie Rene Levesque has its place, but the cigarette is too many. For smoking cessation, René Lévesque without a cigarette or anything. The National Assembly, however, voted unanimously to maintain the photo Levesque with her cigarette because it does support the character of Rene Levesque is not without his cibiche - as say our French cousins. But opponents do not démordent. They want to enroll in the new Quebec constitution an article condemning the slightest trace or hint in public space smoking. The president of the new republic Quebec, whose surname is Dumaurier ("Regular" is his name ...) is also often attacked by anti-smoking radicals, although Non-smoker. However much they repeat ad nauseam Dumaurier that is a traditional name and usual, nothing calm their ardor. The anti-smoking recall rightly, that the Quebec government has gradually adopted policies and regulations strictly against smoking, smoking is now prohibited in any public place, including in particular the National Assembly. In this regard, the films of a distant time when the grid is one cigarette are now subject to censorship. In this context, see Rene Levesque enthroned with his cigarette in the National Assembly seems perfectly outrageous, even offensive.

Someone once said that the real problem this is not religion, but fanaticism?

Clearly, the claims of anti-smoking fictitious sin by their radicalism. From the perspective of an ethic of virtue, antitabatigisme done in the "not enough" is frankly a lack of openness, flexibility and liberality. The opposite vice is, in turn, in excess, in the "too much". However, virtue is the happy medium between "not enough" and "too much". Therefore, I am of the opinion that the defenders of secularism hold open the The most reasonable position.


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