The president will officially launch the Economic, social and environmental, February 8, the national consultation on addiction.
by 8 February, the veil is finally lifted on the method adopted for this consultation. Twenty regional discussions, led by regional prefects and CEOs of regional health agencies (ARS), would be launched. The councils, associations - and of course the unions - would be involved in these debates.
"Not so sure this is a debate, but rather a dialogue to listen to residential homes for frail elderly (nursing homes) and other regional actors! "Says Pascale Cotton.
question is whether this work and discussions result in proposals able to strengthen national solidarity ... or whether instead they aim to develop and strengthen measures individualistic, with the use of private insurance.
The CFTC is concerned that this option only resurfaced. This week has seen confirm his fears with the release of a Senate report that favors this hypothesis. The Minister of Solidarity wants yet reassuring. "No one (yet) model turnkey" she says.
Read the maintenance of the CFTC with the Minister of Solidarity Social Cohesion and Jan. 25 in the latest Journal of the CFTC WebTV!
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