Monday, October 18, 2010

Whats A Good Lubricant For A Vibrator

Retire debate confiscated (Louis Philippe)

The debate on pensions is taking a new turn. Since the beginning, the government wanted to present its reform as a technical dossier, not to open a dialogue that would have given the floor to representatives of employees who by nature, he thinks, are unable to understand what is good for the country. Only experts can knowledge.

The debate has been confiscated by experts and unions rejected. Today, when the mobilization is not weakening, that young people join the movement, the government realizes the unfairness of his project for women and disadvantaged families (enough anyway to pass the amendments in haste that will mitigate the consequences of a late termination of activity), one begins to realize that retirement is a highly political issue that has a component of accounts, certainly, but also and above all the dimensions economic, social and societal impact the future of our country.

What society do we want for tomorrow? It is for Our answers to this question that we will be judged.

Logic would therefore decided that a moratorium and we establish the conditions for genuine tripartite dialogue. At the CFTC, that's what we've been saying all along. Pension reform is urgent for the financial markets and rating agencies that seek to impose their law on behalf of economic principles that have shown their boundary with the crisis.

Although, by his intransigence and rigidity, the government has been imposing a balance of power, we believe it is still possible to break the current conflict from the top.
long as a hope of reopening the dialogue, as thin as it is, exists, we will not call for renewed strike: we would all have much to lose to get into a conflict long after more uncertain.


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