Monday, May 31, 2010

White Blisters On Infants Gums

stress prevention: the CFTC will sign the agreement

The company agreement on stress at work will improve prevention in an area where the employer is generally low.
The CFTC found the gains made at the national bargaining the necessary balance between work life and personal life and family that we consider important welfare to work. The agreement incorporates the National Occupational stress in the employer's responsibility for the safety and health of employees.

A definition of stress specified:
agreement Dassault Aviation, Article 2, defines stress at work and some of its factors. In Article 5 identifies indicators that justify the implementation of preventive measures.

More protection for employees:
In Article 3, the agreement assumes the role of each actor in particular that of the Management Board which undertakes to take steps to ensure the safety and protect the physical and mental health of employees.
The role of the occupational physician is a pivotal role in detecting and tracking people may be in difficulty.

preventive actions:
The agreement encourages employers to focus on prevention. In Article 6 it allows the training of the HSC and the Monitoring Committee of the Agreement.
Missions of the Monitoring Committee will be able to regularly assess the preventive actions in order to correct them.
The areas for improvement:
In Article 7 of the agreement deals with emergencies. The goal of prevention is to avoid arriving at this type of situation, what about the definition of emergency allowing the establishment of ad hoc actions?

Monday, May 17, 2010

How Much Are Hair Extensions At Jcpenney

2009 Results - Rigour opportunistic

The Annual General Meeting will be held next May 19 to approve the 2009 accounts.
The CFTC has chosen to distinguish between two figures in the report ( )
· the first one of the consolidated sales of Dassault Aviation for 2009 with 3.421 million € (page 7) ,
· the second (page 14) that the turnover of the parent company Dassault Aviation with a turnover of 2.75 million €, a net profit of 266 million € which 101 million will be redistributed to employees under the Incentive and Participation.
In reading these figures, we see very clearly that the amounts distributed are calibrated on the results of the parent company Dassault Aviation and the 266 million € of net income in fiscal 2009.
Referring to the statement of the company at the time of the NAO, 2010, these two figures could not be raised but the company has highlighted the -1.322 Million € order intake at Group level Dassault Aviation!
Negotiations we undertake are for staff in our legal entity Dassault Aviation, why put us through the rigor of the Group entity Dassault Aviation?

The consequences are visible on the ground:
· on hierarchies embarrassed to say they can not grant an increase to their staff, other
œ to announce that they will be distributed later this year! Total
· lack of AG for this moment for non-executives
And all this on the basis of an agreement NAO "cheap", signed by CFDT!

Monday, May 3, 2010

Doctor Female Penis Control

And if tomorrow we were not represented?

The Act of August 20, 2008 (Loi renovation of social dialogue ) has profoundly changed the rules of exercises because union:
· Before the law: it was enough to be nominated by one of five confederations of trade unions (CFTC, CFDT, CGT, CGC, FP) in an enterprise or institution (more than fifty employees), for negotiating agreements, obtaining premises, billboards etc ...
Example: on the establishment of St. Cloud, the five plants now exist, each with its local billboards.

· After the law is the audience measurement election which will be evaluated based on the results of the first round of elections for the Committee to hold firm at each renewal of EC members
This hearing was set at 10% .
In the same example for Saint Cloud, three unions are in danger of disappearing, CFTC, CGT and FOR.
The threat of extinction is accompanied by a virtual abolition of the means to afford to work, local phone, fax.

With 10% it still exists, with 9.9% it would disappear!

Following the same assumptions, other unions could be lost to other institutions and vice versa.

These situations lead to an impoverishment of social dialogue at company since, the specific contributions from a trade union like ours would find no place in the negotiation.

Without our leadership, there would have been:
· to agree on Management Planning for Employment and Skills,
· to agreement on the CET

Without our pugnacity:
· In agreement professional equality of women and men, leave mother, the reorganization of working hours for pregnant women, absences for sick children were seen to fall, holidays father and absences for sick child to the father would be absent.

Following the exercise of our right to object , we could engage our signature because we obtained :
· The possibility of reducing the working days during prenatal restoring equivalence days according to what was practiced before the implementation of this agreement,
· Credit for leave of absence for mothers joining the company during pregnancy or within 12 months after birth,
· Leave Sick Child (open to fathers and mothers) more importantly,
· The perpetuation of paternity leave

The CFTC proposal force:
We are the only union to make representations to the Directorate General on the future of business Secretariat and relevant personnel.