I'd say a few words on an article in Le Monde 3 April 2007. An article unequivocally directed against Segolene Royal. Entitled, " I stop my ears, I turn off the TV, and I vote Sego" section is similar a veritable diatribe against the Lady of the Socialist Party.
Erected in heroin from the tribe by the militant socialist Segolene nevertheless continues to grind a few teeth. Many foreigners are called to the charms of the Madonna, many do not share the enthusiasm of the meetings. However, some discipline seems to dictate the conduct of most socialist voters. Royal default vote to avoid a new April 21.
It is at the forefront of the eternal disappointment primary, relatives and elected officials still in battle behind their champion. For close to Laurent Fabius, "people vote like ostriches: mostly, I do not watch what happens and I put my ballot in the ballot box ". In the camp Strauss-Kahn, summarizes the situation thus: " Normally, at home, they will vote ... eyes closed."
Erected in heroin from the tribe by the militant socialist Segolene nevertheless continues to grind a few teeth. Many foreigners are called to the charms of the Madonna, many do not share the enthusiasm of the meetings. However, some discipline seems to dictate the conduct of most socialist voters. Royal default vote to avoid a new April 21.
It is at the forefront of the eternal disappointment primary, relatives and elected officials still in battle behind their champion. For close to Laurent Fabius, "people vote like ostriches: mostly, I do not watch what happens and I put my ballot in the ballot box ". In the camp Strauss-Kahn, summarizes the situation thus: " Normally, at home, they will vote ... eyes closed."
In second place, the Socialists also eat some traditional reservations about their candidate nominated. "Segolene Royal, it is not my thing. The more I hear him talk, the less I want to vote for her. It would change many things. But I set myself a line, the divide exists, I vote left. I will go with your eyes closed to the voting booth. And blocked ears, incidentally. " Others remain skeptical about the program itself Segolene Royal. The military framework for minors, the tricolor flag at home, "a" of Challenges, March 28 ("Profits are necessary!") All this embarrassment. "So, I do not listen much the campaign."
In light of this evidence, a finding clearly needed. While Royal has supported an undisputed majority of activists on his appointment, but this seems to erode basic within the scope of a river of harsh criticism, following the tentative permanent candidate. I want to emphasize one last question. What is the point of offering his vote for a candidate who convinces us by war or its program, nor by his personality? It is time to choose a program to France. A program embodied in an admirable way by Nicolas Sarkozy.
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