Having castigated the mainstream news media, French Bayrou has decided to offer a new media coup unprecedented. The centrist candidate proposes effect for several days to organize a debate on the Internet with the main candidates in the presidential election. " I propose that all the bloggers of the Internet, all those sites (...) come together to organize a debate between Nicolas Sarkozy, Ségolène Royal, Jean-Marie Le Pen and me," Did he said at a news conference. The idea has already collected the consent of Segolene Royal and Jean-Marie Le Pen.
However the idea is controversial. On the one hand, the use of Internet media bypasses the strict rules of the SFA on the speaking time of candidates. In the interest of fairness obviously, every candidate has a response time similar to the antenna. Therefore, a debate over the Internet is certainly possible, but do involve the four major candidates raised the interest of fairness, and calls into question the entire system. Free to Madame Royal, gentlemen Bayrou and Le Pen to question the overall fairness of the campaign. On the other hand, as was implied Nicolas Sarkozy, why some candidates - Ségolène Royal a few weeks ago now and François Bayrou - are concerned they now organizing a debate when they had all the time to do before, when the speaking time was not restricted. It is becoming obvious that the time for debate is past. Television channels have in fact already organized their sessions for candidates. A new form of citizen-debate disappointing but in line it seems the will of citizens. Traditionally, the final stretch of the presidential election is still time for reflection. " We are at a little over 15 days of the first round. I think we should let the French choose the two candidates to be selected for the second and at that time there will be debates "says this about the candidate of the UMP.