Thursday, April 5, 2007

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Should we organize a debate on the Internet?

Having castigated the mainstream news media, French Bayrou has decided to offer a new media coup unprecedented. The centrist candidate proposes effect for several days to organize a debate on the Internet with the main candidates in the presidential election. " I propose that all the bloggers of the Internet, all those sites (...) come together to organize a debate between Nicolas Sarkozy, Ségolène Royal, Jean-Marie Le Pen and me," Did he said at a news conference. The idea has already collected the consent of Segolene Royal and Jean-Marie Le Pen.

However the idea is controversial. On the one hand, the use of Internet media bypasses the strict rules of the SFA on the speaking time of candidates. In the interest of fairness obviously, every candidate has a response time similar to the antenna. Therefore, a debate over the Internet is certainly possible, but do involve the four major candidates raised the interest of fairness, and calls into question the entire system. Free to Madame Royal, gentlemen Bayrou and Le Pen to question the overall fairness of the campaign. On the other hand, as was implied Nicolas Sarkozy, why some candidates - Ségolène Royal a few weeks ago now and François Bayrou - are concerned they now organizing a debate when they had all the time to do before, when the speaking time was not restricted. It is becoming obvious that the time for debate is past. Television channels have in fact already organized their sessions for candidates. A new form of citizen-debate disappointing but in line it seems the will of citizens. Traditionally, the final stretch of the presidential election is still time for reflection. " We are at a little over 15 days of the first round. I think we should let the French choose the two candidates to be selected for the second and at that time there will be debates "says this about the candidate of the UMP.

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When Segolene Royal is campaigning for the revival of the CPE

(Photo: Reuters / Pascal Rossignol)

Truthful. A new measure of the Socialist candidate was again cringe. This time of the UNEF. The student union, notorious for his refusal of the CPE, is mounted to the plate against the response of Segolene Royal in youth unemployment. A contract first chance, far from persuading the National Union of Students of France (UNEF). The solution Royal dixit president of the UNEF, Bruno Julliard, launches the idea " there may be a CPE on the left. This response is not appropriate to a real issue, that of employment for unskilled youth. "Coincidence or irony of fate, the draft retains a controversial symbol as close CPE. In this connection, the student union leader admits " surprised a strategic perspective, [that Ms. Royal] to resume such a formulation one year after the CPE. "While it is true that the measure is more than necessary, Segolene Royal could afford to surprise everyone, even if the veil of novelty masks the intricacies of the project. " I hope we have details in the coming days to raise some concerns " concedes, worried, Bruno Julliard.

Through this concern, the UNEF is again enhance the deep demagoguery of its action. The refusal of a " contract for young " in favor of a " contract law, a Commission, to which young people make a very short trial period " remains an aberration . Why would a young graduate with no work experience, should qualify for the job security? In parallel, the harsh reality of the market requires a company quickly and efficiently. What happens when a young graduate - an effective short trial period and many least once a contract in hand - threatens the balance of the company? Segolene Royal moreover, because when it considers " everyone is fraudulent. "Notice similar to that of Dominique de Villepin with his First Employment Contract. The CPE was it a bad law?


Wednesday, April 4, 2007

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Francois Fillon at the Palace of Versailles congress (30-03-07)

Etienne Pinte, Mayor of Versailles

Pierre Bedier, General Counsel 78

Gerard Larcher, Minister Delegate for Employment

François Fillon

Tuesday, April 3, 2007

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"I stop my ears, I turn off the TV, and I vote Sego" Like a breath of

I'd say a few words on an article in Le Monde 3 April 2007. An article unequivocally directed against Segolene Royal. Entitled, " I stop my ears, I turn off the TV, and I vote Sego" section is similar a veritable diatribe against the Lady of the Socialist Party.

Erected in heroin from the tribe by the militant socialist Segolene nevertheless continues to grind a few teeth. Many foreigners are called to the charms of the Madonna, many do not share the enthusiasm of the meetings. However, some discipline seems to dictate the conduct of most socialist voters. Royal default vote to avoid a new April 21.

It is at the forefront of the eternal disappointment primary, relatives and elected officials still in battle behind their champion. For close to Laurent Fabius, "people vote like ostriches: mostly, I do not watch what happens and I put my ballot in the ballot box ". In the camp Strauss-Kahn, summarizes the situation thus: " Normally, at home, they will vote ... eyes closed."

In second place, the Socialists also eat some traditional reservations about their candidate nominated. "Segolene Royal, it is not my thing. The more I hear him talk, the less I want to vote for her. It would change many things. But I set myself a line, the divide exists, I vote left. I will go with your eyes closed to the voting booth. And blocked ears, incidentally. " Others remain skeptical about the program itself Segolene Royal. The military framework for minors, the tricolor flag at home, "a" of Challenges, March 28 ("Profits are necessary!") All this embarrassment. "So, I do not listen much the campaign."

In light of this evidence, a finding clearly needed. While Royal has supported an undisputed majority of activists on his appointment, but this seems to erode basic within the scope of a river of harsh criticism, following the tentative permanent candidate. I want to emphasize one last question. What is the point of offering his vote for a candidate who convinces us by war or its program, nor by his personality? It is time to choose a program to France. A program embodied in an admirable way by Nicolas Sarkozy.