Proceedings of the CEC of 7 July: uncertainty remains
uncertainty about economic recovery World on improving the business aircraft market and export the Rafale
For our President, Ch EDELSTENNE, the situation remains serious despite some glimmers of hope. We must pursue a prudent industrial policy: "Our Company has been most affected by the crisis and there were no layoffs. Today, I am not ashamed of my background and my decisions."
Slowdown order cancellations FALCON . Decline in our backlog.
But 2010 was a good year in terms of deliveries.
Plans Charge: the situation is slightly better than CCE January 7, 2010.
Made balanced load on all establishments. Launch of primary parts in phase advance, especially on Seclin, to anticipate the recovery.
Education: Overload high (10-20%) compensated by outsourcing. The situation is worrying for MSB with or without a contract Rafale (over / under load).
Staff at May 31, 2010:
Assets: 7957 (7993 to 31/12/2009)
Registered: 8155 (8184 to 31/12/2009)
75 starts against hiring 46
The Company maintains great caution vis-à-vis hiring: we let slip the numbers down and it allows itself some hiring in CSD.
We prefer hiring in our core businesses (DGT, DEQ).
Health and Welfare
big risks:
contracts are in equilibrium, but we must remain vigilant with new applications for delisting of Social Security.
ALPHA 21 and central logistics for raw materials :
The objective is to reduce our overhead costs and improve processes. Certainly, there will be job cuts but it will happen in a gentle, unhurried and without redundancy.
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